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UNO L-LED retains state from previous simulation run

2 posters

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When a simulation including an UNO is re-started the L-LED on the UNO board appears to retain it's state from the previous simulation rather than follow the logic on pin13 (PB5).

I put a probe on pin 13 and can see the logic is zero at the beginning of my test program but the L-LED will be on if it was on at the end of the last simulation.

Currently I have to restart SimulIDE each time I want to re-run the simulation with the correct initial state for the L-LED.

SimulIDE 0.4.13-SR5. Window 10, VirtualBox on MacOS Sierra.

Screenshots attached:
UNO L-LED retains state from previous simulation run AttachmentL-LED-bug-1.png
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Not sure if i understood exactly, but I can't reproduce the issue, it it working normally for me:
When I power off the circuit, then the leds turns off.
UNO L-LED retains state from previous simulation run Ard10

Maybe the problem only happens in certain cases.
That's why it is ussually good to provide files to reproduce the issue (.simu .hex and sources if possible).


Yes, you're quite right - my bad!  I should have included those files.  

I had a fight with the forum the first time trying to attach my screenshot - first file size too big, then image dimensions too big, then couldn't add a second one as over quota... so got distracted and forgot to attach the simu and hex file, etc.

Attached here in zip... as forum won't accept .simu, .hex etc... Wink

Now I know though!
UNO L-LED retains state from previous simulation run Attachmentledbugtest.zip
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Thank you.

Now i could reproduce the issue in 0.4.13, but looks like it is solved in 0.4.14.

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