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R1953 patch: Shortcut char for switches

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1R1953 patch: Shortcut char for switches Empty R1953 patch: Shortcut char for switches Tue Oct 03, 2023 8:57 am


- In the properties dialog of switch, always convert the "Shortcut Char" to its uppercase.
- Ignore case when check if switch shortcut is pressed.




en, I've made a mistake...
R1953 patch: Shortcut char for switches Attachmentkey.zip
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Patch applied at Rev 1956.

Not 100% sure if forcing the char to be uppercase is the best solution.
It could be done only in the comparation.


arcachofo wrote:Thanks.
Patch applied at Rev 1956.

Not 100% sure if forcing the char to be uppercase is the best solution.
It could be done only in the comparation.

oh...I'm used to use uppercase letter in the title of shortcuts, like "Ctrl+P".

Not sure if it's the case for single letter shortcuts. Question



I mean:
If you set "p" as the key for a switch, it shows "P".


arcachofo wrote:I mean:
If you set "p" as the key for a switch, it shows "P".

I knew. I mean, I'm used to use uppercase letter in the title of shortcuts, like "Ctrl+P". So I made the switch's shortkey key always use uppercase.



I see... but this is not exactly a shortcut.
It is a character to show in the button, and if you press that key it will activate the button, not with Ctrl+key but just pressing the key.


arcachofo wrote:I see... but this is not exactly a shortcut.
It is a character to show in the button, and if you press that key it will activate the button, not with Ctrl+key but just pressing the key.

Sure. What I really mean is, it's just a personal preference of myself....



Ok, I understand.
As I said, not 100% sure, but maybe better let the user the freedom to choose.

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