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R1929 Patch: Gate load error.

2 posters

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1R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Empty R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:05 am


For gates that has more than 2 input pins with "Invert inputs" enabled, when circuit file is loaed, only the first two 2 input pins will be correctly inverted.

It seems that at loading, the "Invert inputs" prop is read first, and setInputNum() won't correctly set pins invert stats.

This patch tries to fix it.

R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Snap128
R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Attachmentgates.zip
The patch
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R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Attachment03-keypad.sim1.zip
A demo circuit
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2R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Empty Re: R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:02 am



Nice, good catch. Patch applied at Rev 1931.

3R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Empty Re: R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:49 am


arcachofo wrote:Nice, good catch.  Patch applied at Rev 1931.

I found LatchD's input pins also has this problem, but its out pins are ok. So I rechecked the code and found a better way to address this issue.

The patch is based on R1935.
R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Attachmentgates.zip
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4R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Empty Re: R1929 Patch: Gate load error. Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:09 am



Great, patch applied at Rev 1936.

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