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Noob Needs Some Help with Arduino 7-seg LED simulation

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I want to reproduce the setup in this video with the end goal of programming in my own LED sequences:


I have the circuit layout made as shown in the video.

I am trying to use the sevseg_Pic16F876A.hex included in the latest stable version of SimulIDE 0.4.15.

After I load the .hex file in the Arduino Uno (no errors) and power the circuit, I get nothing.

I am a massive noob when it comes to Arduino and this software, but I'm generally a quick learner.  Ive looked up the tutorials that I thought might be relevant but I still cant get this to work.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I am trying to use the sevseg_Pic16F876A.hex included in the latest stable version of SimulIDE 0.4.15.

After I load the .hex file in the Arduino Uno (no errors) and power the circuit, I get nothing.
You can't use an hex created por Pic16F876A in an Arduino.

JayLo likes this post


Thanks for the reply.  It didnt seem like much at first but your reply was all the guidance I needed.

I was looking for a quick and dirty solution and didnt take the time to look at the code for that hex file.  Wasn't going to work without a lot of editing beyond my coding ability.

Here's a video of what I was able to accomplish:

My code is hideously long and uses the delay function (which I have read is frowned upon) but everything works close to intended.

Follow-up question:
Is there a way to get the LED segments to turn from "high" to "low"/off quicker or is that just a trait inherent in certain 7-segment LEDs (the one being simulated)?

I'm trying to simulate a pattern on an arcade game.  The animation of the RL version moves at about this speed but the LEDs seem to flip completely off right as or shortly before the next LED turns on.

arcachofo wrote:
I am trying to use the sevseg_Pic16F876A.hex included in the latest stable version of SimulIDE 0.4.15.

After I load the .hex file in the Arduino Uno (no errors) and power the circuit, I get nothing.
You can't use an hex created por Pic16F876A in an Arduino.



Here's a video of what I was able to accomplish:
I can't watch the video, just a white screen.

If you share your circuit and code I can have a look.

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